Recovering musculoskeletal physiotherapy
Assessment and treatment of injuries and conditions which affect the muscles, joints, and soft tissues. It can include ankle, knee, hip, back, neck, shoulder or forearm pain. Therapeutic exercise starts with pain-specific exercises and gradually progresses to functional exercise. The focus is not only on pain management but also on prevention of pain recurrence, which is based on client's better understanding of the causes of pain and ability to use the learned skills when moving in everyday life.
Preventative physiotherapy
- postural assessment and moving assessment
- assessment of strength and range of motion
- gym exercise program's planning and instructing to ensure safe training
Standing, moving and sitting correctly reduces the strain on your muscles, joints, and ligaments. Many injuries and surgeries can be prevented by better alignment and exercise.
Occupational health physiotherapy
Assessment and treatment of work related strain, prevention of work related injuries, check-ups, instruction and education to improve your ergonomics at work.
Dance specific physiotherapy
Assessment and treatment of dance training related strains, pain symptoms and injuries. Education of dance students and teachers on dance anatomy and biomechanics.
Kinesiotape may be used to: increase blood flow and alleviate pain, to help to relax or activate muscles, to support joints' alignment.